Friday, January 28, 2011

I live for...


Yes, I Brown Eyes love clothes, costume jewelry, bags and the perfect shade of lipstick. I am also a thrift/vintage shopping queen. And I shop where I work. With that sad, I have a lot of clothes( i need more shoes, I know crazy right. Thing is shoes are not as cheap as clothes....). So I have decided to do something called wardrobe rehab. I got the idea from diy blog: A Pair and a Spare.

There are 6 steps, cut down, define style, wardrobe essentials, organizing and last color blocking. The first step will be he hardest for me. I have so many things to wear, yet almost everyday i feel I have nothing. But giving away my old stuff is sooooo hard. What if I give something away, then think of an outfit to wear a month later!

But, I do hate getting up looking in my closet and seeing all different types of clothes. I have a nice size closet, and its hard to pick things out sometimes ( esp if I'm in a rush). So here goes....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am an emotional bitch! That's right I said it. I will cry, throw a tantrum( to my family and bf), feel abused etc, real quick. I need to fix this very soon. It is not becoming, and it should no longer be who I am.

I will admit my mother sheltered me, if I hurt in some way she was there to give me a shoulder. Problem is, I cant always cry on her shoulder. I need to learn to cry on my own for a few seconds then suck it up, learn and move on.

That is my goal, besides going to the gym( like every other person).

Saturday, January 22, 2011

learining and gorwing

There is something in my 22 years of living that I have yet to completely master , and that is patience with myself. I want everything to happen fast and quick. I don't live in the process, I rather jump to the results. My bf( or him) always tells me to enjoy the ride, or wait things will happen. Ughh its just so frustrating waiting for them to come because I need a change, now( fast and quick).

I keep telling myself to appreciate what I have, there are people in the same place I am that are much older. This part in my life is a steeping stone to my future and bigger life, and here they are living their "bigger life" in my stepping stone.

I must learn to trust in God/Universe that things will fall into place and I will be more content with every, if not most, parts of my life. Have to go through a rough patch to hopefully love the smooth surfaces.

LOL funny thing is I know this now( after months of being told by my bf and mother). But mostly likely my dramatic self will be back in self pity a few days next week. A cycle I cant wait to break out of.


wow...ummm Ive been gone for a minute( now I'm back with the jump, corny but I had to do it)

So i realized I wrote something damn near exact, back in like october but heres a refresher, I promise or at least I will try to do better...

OK so, I am not the best person when it comes to sticking with things. I wouldn't say I get bored, but rather forgetful. I will say I'm going to do something and just simply won't. Kinda like what happened to this blog. OK actually that is part of the reason. The reason is because, well as most know, I am no longer single.

That's right, I am in a relationship, and surprisingly( or not) it with my ex. Yup, we got back together. I am happy, and have been for a good while. How did we get back together after all the drama (if your asking) , lets just say the universe has a sense of humor.

I have been in a relationship for quite a while now, and although the single life was fun while it lasted, but there is nothing like being with someone who knows you inside and out. Oh and I must not forget the consistent good sex! no more trying out new body parts only for it to be a fail. I don't know how I made it through.

Well I know I wont be talking about the single life too much anymore, but I will now be talking about the life of a broke grad student in the 21 century. I'm sure there are many who can relate to this. So here goes.....